通过此次对Streamline G440的跟车测试,记者不仅对该系列卡车的整体性能有了更为深入的了解,也对斯堪尼亚驾驶员辅助系统感到惊艳。全新Streamline系列重卡是斯堪尼亚近期在中国市场推出的又一力作,车辆在流线型设计方面下了很大功夫,能够凭借行驶时更低的风阻提高燃油效率,上市以来已得到很多物流企业青睐。车辆的外观和内饰实拍照片已能通过各种传播途
With this follow-up to the Streamline G440, journalists not only gained a deeper understanding of the overall performance of the series, but were also impressed with Scania’s driver assistance system. The new Streamline series of heavy trucks is Scania’s recent launch of another masterpiece in the Chinese market, the vehicle in streamlined design has made great efforts to be able to drive with lower wind resistance to improve fuel efficiency, the market has been favored by many logistics companies . The appearance of the vehicle and the interior real photo has been through a variety of ways