患者女性,16岁,学生。1977年3月12日因发现小腹包块2月余,伴发热一周入院。患者在1976年12月24日,因小腹隐痛,到当地医院求诊,当时检查下腹部有拳头样大小肿块,能活动。半个月后至我院门诊检查,发现腹部肿块有0 头样大小,能活动。印象:盆腔肿块,卵巢囊肿。嘱其住院治疗,但患者没有立即住院,至1977年3月12日始来住院。在此期间,自觉包块逐渐增大,有腹胀感。入院前半月开始食欲减
Patient female, 16 years old, student. March 12, 1977 because of lower abdominal mass found in more than 2 months, with fever one week admission. Patients on December 24, 1976, due to pain in the lower abdomen, to the local hospital for treatment, then check the lower abdomen fist-like mass can move. Half a month later to our hospital clinic examination, found that the abdomen mass has 0 head size, can activity. Impression: pelvic mass, ovarian cyst. He was hospitalized, but the patient did not immediately hospitalized, to March 12, 1977 came to hospital. During this period, consciously mass gradually increased, a sense of bloating. Half an month before admission to reduce appetite