【摘 要】
Chinese vehicle population sees a high-speed development, which increased by 20% annually in the past 10 years. And in larger cities, the growth rate is over 1
Chinese vehicle population sees a high-speed development, which increased by 20% annually in the past 10 years. And in larger cities, the growth rate is over 15% and volume of motor vehicles maintenance is 4.89 million, among which, the number of motorcycle is 2.514 million, with an annual increase of 24%. Most of these motorcycles are centralized in coastal cities. At the same time, China has more than 5,000 million bicycles.
Chinese vehicle population sees a high-speed development, which increased by 20% annually in the past 10 years. And in larger cities, the growth rate is over 15% and volume of motor vehicles maintenance is 4.89 million, among which, the number of motorcycle of 2.514 million, with an annual increase of 24%. Most of these motorcycles are centralized in coastal cities. At the same time, China has more than 5,000 million bicycles.
The ancient Maya civilization documented calendar dates beyond 2012. This shocking news has been revealed inside ancient ruins of the sprawling Maya city of Xul
20 0 0年 12月 2 1~ 2 3日 ,中国工程机械学会路面与压实机械分学会在广州召开年会暨 2 0 0 0年公路路面新技术与新设备研讨会 ,分学会理事长孙祖望教授、西安筑路机械有限公
中国打虎拍蝇行动业已坐标般地铺陈深入,网罗的罪状无非数见不鲜的几宗,倒是施罪的方式林林总总。如今又出现了新的方式——为官员的摄影“雅好”买单。 引无数高官竞“折腰”的摄影装备 9月21日,中纪委通报河南省人大常委会党组书记、副主任秦玉海涉嫌严重违纪违法被查。两天后的一个晚上,北京地铁站的工作人员撤下了秦玉海的摄影作品。 不明就里的看客难免疑虑:人被查,犯不着急着“人走茶凉”吧?事实上,各种新