苏州启动古城整体规划保护 成立苏州国家历史文化名城保护区

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近日,苏州市宣布,金阊区、沧浪区和平江区合并成姑苏区,同时,成立苏州国家历史文化名城保护区,设置高规格管理机构进行整体保护——这被有关专家评价为古城保护的“苏州模式”。新成立的姑苏区和苏州国家历史文化名城保护区将实行两块牌子、一套人马。苏州市常务副市长周伟强介绍,保护区管委会作为省政府派出机构,对古城保护和规划、历史街区景区管理、文化 Recently, Suzhou announced the merger of Jinli District, Canglang District and Pingjiang District into Gusu District. At the same time, Suzhou National Historical and Cultural City Protection Zone was set up and high-standard management institutions were set up for overall protection - which was evaluated by relevant experts as the protection of the ancient city “Suzhou model ”. The newly established Gusu and Suzhou National Historical and Cultural Cities Protected Area will implement two brands, a set of troops. Zhou Weijiang, executive vice mayor of Suzhou introduced that the CMC as a provincial government dispatched agencies to the protection and planning of the ancient city, the historical district scenic area management, culture
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