化肥深施是一项成熟的科技推广项目。化肥深施就是通过使用深施机具,按照农艺要求的品种、数量、施肥部位和深度,适时均匀地将化肥施于土壤的犁底层(作基肥)或根部(追肥),以提高化肥的利用率,降低农业生产成本,减少污染,增加农民实际收益。 在我国南方一带以种植水稻为主,田块较小,相应的配套机具尚不完善,与旱地化肥深施相比,具有一定的特殊性。 1.水田机械深施化肥的要点 以我省禾谷作物为例,传统的施底肥习惯于用人工撒施于田间
Fertilizer deep application is a mature science and technology promotion project. Fertilizer deep application is through the use of deep facilities, according to the requirements of agronomic varieties, quantity, fertilization site and depth, timely and uniform fertilizer applied to the soil plow bottom (as base fertilizer) or root (top dressing), in order to improve fertilizer utilization , Reduce agricultural production costs, reduce pollution and increase farmers’ actual income. In the southern part of China, rice is mainly planted in the southern part of the country. The plots are small and the corresponding supporting equipment is not yet perfect. Compared with the deep fertilization in dry land, it has certain particularities. 1 paddy field deep chemical fertilizer points to the crop of cereals in our province, for example, the traditional base fertilizer used in the artificial sprinkling in the field