
来源 :人民长江 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hhz20091
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嘉陵江是长江上游的一条主要支流 ,拟建的亭子口水利枢纽位于其干流中游上段 ,坝址控制流域面积62 550km2 ,总库容 42亿m3 ,是以防洪为主兼顾兴利的工程。枢纽建成后将起到控制嘉陵江中上游洪水的作用 ,并且配合三峡水库对长江中下游防洪。在防洪设计上 ,考虑到亭子口水库的作用和任务 ,拟定了预留的防洪库容以及防洪调度方式。正常运用的防洪库容拟定 5组方案进行比较 ,择优选取 ,同时考虑到在长江中下游防洪形势十分紧迫的情况下 ,选定 3 .77亿m3 库容为非常运用防洪库容 ;防洪调度方式主要为对嘉陵江中下游防洪调度、对长江中下游防洪调度以及总的防洪调度原则 Jialing River is a major tributary of the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. The proposed Tingzikou water conservancy project is located in the upper reaches of the middle reaches of the mainstream. The dam-controlled drainage basin covers an area of ​​62 550 km 2 with a total storage capacity of 4.2 billion m3. It is a flood-based project that takes Gu Xingli into consideration. After the completion of the hub will play a role in controlling the upper reaches of the Jialing River flood, and with the Three Gorges Reservoir on the Yangtze River flood control. In the flood control design, taking into account the role and mission of the Pavilion Zikou reservoir, drafted flood control capacity and flood control scheduling. Normal use of flood control capacity to develop five sets of programs to compare, select the best, taking into account the flood control in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River under very tight circumstances, the selection of 377 million m3 of storage capacity is the flood control capacity for flood control; flood control methods are mainly Middle and lower reaches of Jialing River flood control scheduling, flood control in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and the principle of flood control scheduling
分析了 1 998年长江中下游大洪水特点、崩岸与治理情况 ,从中肯定了崩岸治理的成效 ,提出了存在的问题。提出了崩岸治理分阶段的区分标准 ,对照长江中下游崩岸治理过程 ,大体