霍丽萍生长于香港,14岁被送往英国读书,课余周游欧洲列国;18岁中学毕业后,往瑞士专修翻译,通晓了英、法、德等语言;19岁在美国加利福尼亚大学学习环境设计学;攻读硕士期间,在罗省的ART CENTERCOLLEGE兼修摄影。期间,有幸跟随美国当代著名摄影大师ANSEL ADAMS学习用大型的4X5相
Hu Liping grew up in Hong Kong and was sent to study in the UK at 14 years of age. After class, he traveled to European countries. After graduating from high school at the age of 18, he specialized in translation in Switzerland and was familiar with languages such as English, French and German. He studied environmental design at the University of California at 19, While studying for the master’s degree, ART CENTERCOLLEGE is a graduate of the Province of Rochester. During the fortunate enough to follow the contemporary famous American photographer ANSEL ADAMS learning with large 4X5 phase