为了摸清全区耕地地力现状,维护耕地数量和质量平衡。在GIS技术支持下,利用1:50000土地利用现状图、土壤图和行政区划图等叠置分析确定评价单元737个,研究选取立地条件、剖面性状、障碍因素、耕层状况、土壤管理等5个层次的14个评价因子。结果表明:全区3543.18 hm2耕地可分为7个等级,其中一等地355.24 hm2,二等地533.64 hm2,三等地575.72 hm2,四等地738.09 hm2,五等地503.53 hm2,六等地445.06 hm2,七等地391.90 hm2;分别占宜春市本级全区耕地总面积的10.03%、16.25%、16.25%、20.83%、14.21%、12.26%、11.06%。通过研究可知宜春市本级耕地地力现状总体较好。
In order to find out the status quo of arable land in the region, the quantity and quality of arable land are maintained. With the support of GIS technology, 737 evaluation units were determined using overlay analysis of 1: 50000 land-use status maps, soil maps and administrative zoning maps. The study selected site conditions, section traits, obstacle factors, tillage status and soil management. 14 levels of evaluation factor. The results showed that 3543.18 hm2 of arable land in the whole area can be divided into seven grades, of which 355.24 hm2 are the first grade, 533.64 hm2 are the second grade, 575.72 hm2 are the third grade, 738.09 hm2 are the fourth grade, 503.53 hm2 are the fifth grade, and 445.06 are the sixth grade hm2, seven and other places 391.90 hm2; accounting for 10.03%, 16.25%, 16.25%, 20.83%, 14.21%, 12.26%, 11.06% of the total cultivated land area of Yichun City. Through the study we can see Yichun City, the current status of cultivated land overall better.