
来源 :中国环境法治 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiajia_jiang
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一、基本案情温州华宇电源制造有限公司位于浙江省乐清市盛岙村,1998年开始建厂,2000年11月经工商注册登记,该厂主要生产汽车铅酸蓄电池,年产量约2万只,2004年产值约300万元。主要的生产工艺流程为:铅—熔化—铅粉磨制—和膏—涂片—固化—干燥—极板化成—水洗干燥—分片—总装;主要的辅助原料为:铅锭、硫酸、沥青、煤等;主要的生产设备有:铅粉机1台、浇汽机4台、涂片机1台、烘干机1台、熔铅炉2台等,日废水排放量约3吨。公司未履行环境影响评价,也未经环保部门审批,没有对废水、废气、废渣的污染防治措施,生产过程中产生的铅蒸汽、铅尘及含铅废水污染了周围环境,对周边居民产生了影响。2001年1月下旬,浙江省乐清市环保局接到群众举报,由该局所属的乐成环境监理所进行查处,经调查取证,于3月20日作出责令其停止生产并处罚款一万元的行政处罚事先告知书,4月17日作出行政处罚决定书并依法送达,公司缴纳了罚款,但是一直未停止生产,环保局也未申请法院强制执行。直到2005年4月30日,盛岙村一村民因其未成年子女在体检时发现血铅超标,怀疑与温州华宇电源制造有限公司污染有关,遂向环保局举报。环保局于5月13日送达行政处罚事先告知书与听证告知书,该公司于5月中旬停产并拆除所有生产设备,搬迁至浙江省兰溪市(更名为浙江巨江电源制造有限公司)。随后公司采取了补救措施:共送637人到温州 First, the basic case Wenzhou Arima Power Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is located in Shengqing Village, Yueqing City, Zhejiang Province, started construction in 1998, registered in November 2000 by the business, the plant mainly produces automotive lead-acid batteries, the annual output of about 20,000, 2004 The annual output value of about 3000000 yuan. The main production processes are as follows: Lead - Melting - Lead powder grinding - And paste - Smear - Curing - Drying - Plate forming - Washing and drying - Fragmentation - Assembly; The main auxiliary raw materials: lead ingots, sulfuric acid, asphalt , Coal, etc .; the main production equipment are: 1 lead powder machine, steaming machine 4, smear machine 1, dryer 1, 2 lead melting furnace, daily discharge of about 3 tons of waste water. The Company failed to perform the environmental impact assessment and did not have the approval of the environmental protection department, nor did it have any pollution prevention and control measures for wastewater, waste gas and waste slag. The lead vapor, lead dust and leaded wastewater generated in the production process polluted the surrounding environment, influences. In late January 2001, Yueqing City Environmental Protection Bureau of Zhejiang Province received a report from the masses and was investigated by the Lecheng Environmental Supervision Office under its jurisdiction. After investigation and evidence collection, it was ordered on March 20 to stop production and fined 10,000 yuan Of the administrative penalty prior notice, April 17 to make an administrative penalty decision and served according to law, the company paid a fine, but has not stopped production, the EPA did not apply for court enforcement. Until April 30, 2005, a villager in Shengjian village reported to the EPA because of a violation of the pollution caused by Wenzhou Huayu Power Supply Co., Ltd. because of the underage children’s blood lead exceeding the standard on physical examination. On May 13, the EPA sent the advance notice of administrative penalty and the hearing notices. The company stopped production in mid-May and all its production equipment was removed and relocated to Lanxi City, Zhejiang Province (renamed Zhejiang Jujiang Power Manufacturing Co., Ltd.). Then the company took remedial measures: a total of 637 people were sent to Wenzhou
我国的物价走势一直是各方关注的焦点。官方和半官方的观点大多认为物价不会继续上涨,而以国外大投资银行为代表的市场机构则倾向于物价会进一步上扬,亚洲开发银行甚至预测2005年我国居民消费价格指数(CPI)将上涨4.9%。上述观点的分歧,实质是对推动今后物价上涨的主导因素有不同的认识。前者主要看老的因素(投资膨胀和粮食涨价),后者则看重新的因素(国际油价)。  首先,国家发布了《国务院关于深化改革严格土
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