Advance in the Research of Wetland Tourism in China

来源 :湿地科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:weiguolibbbb
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The wetland tourism in China has been one of the most popular tourisms as its fast growth in China in recent years. The significance of the wetland tourism research for the local sustainable development was noticed and have summarized this review in 3 aspects: resources, including assessment, resources and products development; planning, including the orientation of wetland tourism, the landscape planning and application of science and technology; and management, including tourism capacity, environmental evaluation, the ecological compensation and the public participation. The wetland tourism research in China is insufficient in the following fields: the depth of extensive studies, the application of mathematics, the objective planning and the evaluation of ecological influence. What should be more noticed in the future research is that it is considered as landscape ecology, landscape planning and the relevant wetland-structure controlling, the environment and landscape pattern change caused by tourism, tourism risk evaluation, the economics and sociology research in wetland tourism. The wetland tourism in China has been one of the most popular tourisms as its fast growth in China in recent years. The significance of the wetland tourism research for the local sustainable development was noticed and has this review this review in 3 aspects: resources, including assessment , resources and products development; planning, including the orientation of wetland tourism, the landscape planning and application of science and technology; and management, including tourism capacity, environmental evaluation, the ecological compensation and the public participation. The wetland tourism research in China is insufficient in the following fields: the depth of extensive studies, the application of mathematics, the objective planning and the evaluation of ecological influence. What should be more noticed in the future research is that it is considered as landscape ecology, landscape planning and the relevant wetland-structure controlling, the environment and landscape pattern change caused by tourism, tourism risk evaluation, the economics and sociology research in wetland tourism.
In a preliminary investigation, Random Amplified Polymorphie DNA (RAPD) analysis and partial mitochon-drial ND2 gene sequencing were conducted to study the gene
军工行业上市公司具有战略性高、持续成长能力强的特点,军工行业的投资价值和股价主要受以下几方面的因素影响:  资本运作预期,上市公司通过外长式增长大幅提升盈利能力和资产质量,在一定时期内可能是影响股价的主导因素;成长性预期,如果预期业绩成长加快,将提升公司估值水平,是中长期影响股价的主要因素;行业重大事件刺激,包括行业重大项目等,以及地区形势变化等不可预期事件,提高市场对军工关注度,对军工股短期走势
对于勾股定理,有3种常见用法:1.已知直角三角形两边,求第三边;2.已知直角三角形的两边或三边存在数量关系,可以用含同一个字母的代数式表示出来,再利用勾股定理建立方程解决问题;3.已知普通三角形三边存在某种联系,可转化为直角三角形,利用勾股定理建立方程或方程组解决问题.  一、方法回顾  对第三种较为复杂的情况,我们重点回顾一下:  例1 如图1,在△ABC中,AD是BC边上的高,D为垂足,AB=
摘 要:在大众创业、万众创新的趋势下,高校作为创新创业人才的重要培养与产出基地之一,其培养模式与体系一直备受社会关注。本文通过对高校大学生当前创新创业人才在教学模式、平台建设、师资队伍建设、创业类专业建设四方面进行分析与探讨,并提出相对应的完善措施与建设性意见,以期完善高校大学生创新创业人才培养体系建设。  关键词:创新 创业人才 培养体系  一、引言  在大众创业、万众创新的社会洪流上,高校大学
终端需求稳定增长,2013年20%增长可期。预计2013年,在中国、美国、日本、以及以印度、南非、东南亚国家为代表的新兴市场的强劲增长带动下,即使以德国、意大利为代表的传统欧洲主力市场出现下滑,全球光伏新增装机仍有望实现20%以上的增长,达到36GW以上。  供给持续收缩。考虑到2012年年底企业信贷收缩和2013年年初需求淡季的叠加影响,我们预计这波产能退出将至少持续到2013年年初,届时各环节
摘 要 现阶段军事地形学教学过程中,野外实地训练存在着投入大、内容多、训练效益相对低下的问题,学员训练过程中普遍依托传统的实地环境实施。学员学习地形环境的熏陶有限,对地形资料的直观感受不强烈。建设基于虚拟现实技术的成本低廉,可复制性较好的虚拟教学软硬件环境,模拟实际训练地域地形特征,是提高学员军事地形素养,解决教学、训练考核等问题的有效手段。  关键词 虚拟现实 军事地形学 教学信息化  中图分类
摘 要:特朗普制作为一种综合的教学组织形式,集合了班级教学、分组教学和个别教学优点,被称作“灵活的课程表”。在对外汉语教学中应用特朗普制这一教学组织形式,能够满足对外汉语教学对象多样性的需要,使得教学更具备高效性、针对性,更有利于因材施教。  关键词:教学组织形式;特朗普制;对外汉语教学  一、当前对外汉语教学中的教学组织形式  教学是有目的、有计划、有组织的活动,任何教学活动都离不开特定的组织形