在北欧的挪威、冰岛、芬兰、瑞典和丹麦五国,多年来人均寿命在世界上一直名列前茅。据世界卫生组织最近的报告说,北欧五国人均寿命为77.62岁,这个数字远远高于世界人均寿命66岁。在健康已成为世人关注的热点的今天,探索北欧人长寿的原因,正在成为各国医学、生物学和气象学的专家们共同感兴趣的课题。 北欧五国地处北半球高纬度北极圈附
In Nordic countries such as Norway, Iceland, Finland, Sweden and Denmark, life expectancy has been among the best in the world for many years. According to a recent report by the World Health Organization, the average life expectancy of five Nordic countries is 77.62 years, much higher than the world’s average life expectancy of 66 years. Now that health has become a hot topic of concern to all people, exploring the reasons for the longevity of Nordic people is becoming a topic of common interest to medical, biological and meteorological experts in various countries. The five Nordic countries are located in the high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere