现实生活中有这样的事实:在同一个城市、同一行业,经济环境大致相同的几个企业,有的生产经营形势很好,产品供不应求,企业效益成倍增长,而有的却效益不佳,甚至陷入资不抵债,生产经营难以为继的困境。由此可见,企业的亏损与企业自身存在的问题有关。 1,保守的经营观念妨碍企业的发展 长期以来,在计划经济体制下,相当一部分企业经营管理者渐渐养成了一种惰性,缺乏开拓创新、竞争进取意识。还有部分企业厂长(经理)思想保守,经营观念陈旧。党的十四届三中全会提出建立社会主义市场经济体制,但有些企业的厂长
In real life, there are such facts: In the same city, in the same industry, several companies with roughly the same economic environment, some have a very good situation in production and operation, and the products are in short supply. The efficiency of enterprises has doubled, while others have not achieved good results. Even falling into debt, production and management are difficult to sustain. This shows that the company’s losses are related to the company’s own problems. 1. Conservative business ideas impede the development of enterprises For a long time, under the planned economic system, a considerable part of business managers gradually cultivated a kind of inertia, lacking the awareness of pioneering and innovative and competitive advancement. There are also some corporate managers (managers) who are conservative in mind and have outdated business concepts. The Third Plenary Session of the 14th CPC Central Committee proposed the establishment of a socialist market economic system, but some companies’ directors