有时 ,真让人奇怪 :一个地方发生了煤矿爆炸、领导腐败之类的丑闻 ,一些媒体穷追不放 ,一些媒体却噤若寒蝉 ,不吱一声。等包括新华社记者在内的11名记者收受数万元现金及金元宝而不报道繁峙“6·22”特大金矿爆炸事故的丑闻被曝光后 ,我才恍然大悟 :不新闻是因为有偿。说句实话
Sometimes, it is strange: in one place there has been a scandal such as a coal mine explosion and leadership corruption. Some of the media have been chasing after others. Some of the media are quietly crying without hesitation. Only 11 reporters, including Xinhua News Agency reporters, who have received tens of thousands of yuan in cash and gold bullion but not reporting the scandal at the “6.22” super-large-scale gold mine explosion were exposed. I just realized why the news was not paid because of the news. To be honest