患儿男,5个月。右腹部包块5天,不发烧,亦无其他不适。查体:腹稍胀,腹壁软,脐右侧稍上方扪及鸭蛋大包块,上界不清,活动度差,质硬,结节感,叩实。左肋下亦扪及质地较硬包块如鸡蛋大,腹部无移动性浊音,肠鸣音正常。临床诊断:神经母细胞瘤,肝肿瘤。入院后1周剖腹探查,见肝脏肿大明显,色暗,结节状,质硬。肝右叶有一9 cm×8 cm×6 cm 包块,左叶有一5 cm×4 cm×3cm 包块,肠系膜散在数十个豆粒大淋巴结,双侧肾脏未见异常。取右叶小块肝活检。
Children male, 5 months. Right abdominal mass 5 days, no fever, no other discomfort. Physical examination: abdominal slightly swollen, abdominal wall soft, just above the right umbilical palpable duck eggs large pieces of unclear, poor mobility, hard, nodular feeling, knock reality. The left rib is also palpable texture of hard mass, such as eggs, abdominal no dullness, bowel sounds normal. Clinical diagnosis: neuroblastoma, liver tumor. 1 week after admission laparotomy, see the liver enlargement obvious, dark color, nodular, hard. The right lobe of the liver has a 9 cm × 8 cm × 6 cm mass and a 5 cm × 4 cm × 3 cm mass in the left lobe. The mesentery is scattered in dozens of large bean nodules with no abnormality in both kidneys. Take small pieces of liver biopsy.