抓基层打基础 强功能聚人心 让党的旗帜在每一个基层阵地高高飘扬——十八大以来山东省基层党组织和党员队伍建设情况综述

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基础牢则政权稳,基层治方能天下安。党的十八大以来,全省各级党组织认真学习贯彻习近平总书记系列重要讲话精神和以习近平同志为核心的党中央决策部署,坚持把抓基层打基础作为长远之计和固本之策,以建设基层服务型党组织为抓手,统筹推进各领域基层党建工作,着力推动全面从严治党向基层延伸,为推动山东创新发展、持续发展、领先发展,实现“走在前列”目标奠定了坚实组织基础。明责履责、上下联动,基层党建工作责任制全面落实 Fundamentals of the prison firm, the grassroots governance can world security. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the Party organizations at all levels in the province have conscientiously studied and implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech and the decision-making arrangements made by the Central Party Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core. They have always adhered to the principle of grassroots-based fighting as a long-term plan and a solid policy , Take the construction of grass-roots service-oriented party organizations as the starting point, co-ordinate and promote grass-roots party building in all fields, and strive to promote an overall extension of strict control of the party to the grassroots level, in order to promote innovation and development in Shandong, sustainable development, leading development, "The goal has laid a solid organizational foundation. Clear responsibility and responsibility, from top to bottom linkage, grass-roots party construction work in full implementation of the responsibility system
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