α-受体阻滞剂能缓解前列腺增生引起的尿潴留,6年余,笔者等应用口服酚苄明法,经会阴部前列腺被膜下注射酚妥拉明法或前两法合用,治疗前列腺增生87例,现报告如下: 1 材料和方法 1.1 一般资料 全组共87例,年龄52~89岁,病程5天~20年,平均5.84年。因急性尿潴留而行留置导尿者16例,作了膀胱造口者2例。合并高血压者26
α-blockers can relieve prostatic hyperplasia caused by urinary retention, more than 6 years, I applied oral phenoxybenzamine method, by the perineal prostate capsule injection of phentolamine or the first two combined treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia 87 cases are reported as follows: 1 Materials and Methods 1.1 General Information A total of 87 patients, aged 52 to 89 years, duration of 5 days to 20 years, an average of 5.44 years. Because of acute urinary retention indwelling catheterization in 16 cases, made in 2 cases of bladder stoma. 26 with hypertension