[Tropism of taste] Xin, bitter, warm. Spleen, stomach, liver. 【Indications】 dampness spleen, expelling wind and cold, eyesight. Used for abdominal fullness, diarrhea, edema, athlete’s foot, rheumatism, cold, night blindness. Chemical composition: Rhizoma Atractylodis rhizome contains about 5% to 9% volatile oil. The main components of the oil are Atractylol, Maoshu alcohol, β-eucalyptus, and the like. Rhizoma Atractylodis rhizome contains 1.5% volatile oil, and its main components are Atractylodes, Atractylone, Luteol and Euerol. The rhizome of Rhizoma Atractylodis Rhizome contains 1.5% volatile oil. Its main components are Atractylodes halophila, Auricularol, β-eucalyptus, Atractylodes