【摘 要】
Human language differs from animal communication in many ways. Hockett isolated 16 features that characterize human language and which distinguish it from other
Human language differs from animal communication in many ways. Hockett isolated 16 features that characterize human language and which distinguish it from other communication systems. The following passage will introduce some of these features, and by comparing language with animal communication systems, we can have a better understanding of the nature of language.
The language of different animal communication in many ways. Hockett isolated 16 features that characterize human language and which distinguish it from other communication systems. The following passage will introduce some of these features, and by comparing language with animal communication systems, we can have a better understanding of the nature of language.
As is known to all,there are lots of obstacles in the all-round cooperation of China,Japan and South Korea. Some scholars have pointed out that the big problem
Different countries have different dietary cultures. There are huge differences between China and western countries on the dietary cultures, such as the differe
【摘要】所谓商务英语,就是一类高度迎合市场经济需求的语言形式,尤其是在我国市场经济结构和对外贸易形式不断革新背景下,其语言价值也顺势细化为多个层次。笔者的核心任务,便是在如今特定职场需求下,进行商务英语市场经济价值精细化探讨论证,最终结合西方先进技术手段和自身已有实践经验,制定实施妥善的投资管理方案,使得商务英语由此真正过渡成为经济全球化、文化多元化的过渡交接纽带。 【关键词】商务英语 语言经济
Introduction Context plays a significant role in understanding the meaning.This essay will?rstly introduce the de?nition of context,then,it will analyze the sig
【摘要】衔接与连贯理论是系统功能语言学的重要概念之一。《春怨》一诗,环环相扣,恰好体现了衔接与连贯意义。 【关键词】衔接与连贯 春怨 《春怨》是唐代诗人金昌绪仅存的一首五言绝句。该诗虽然简短,却深受译者喜爱。本文摘选了许渊冲,Fletcher和Witter Bynner 的译文,结合衔接与连贯理论进行分析。 一、衔接与连贯理论 衔接与连贯理论是系统功能语言学的概念之一,是语篇必不可少的粘着
【摘要】英语新闻标题是对英语新闻内容的总结和概括是新闻的重要组成部分,被称为新闻的灵魂。本文从英语新闻标题写作要点入手,详细介绍了英语新闻标题中需要注意的关键点。 【关键词】英语新闻 标题 技巧 英语新闻一般指报刊、电视广播和互联网等大众传媒用英文传播的新闻。 英语新闻与西方国家的政治、经济、生活等息息相关,随着当今社会工作、生活节奏加快我们正步入新闻的“读题时代”。阅读新闻英语是学习现代英
【摘要】本文运用语料库语言学的研究方法,分别以FLOB语料库和LCMC语料库来对比分析了英汉逻辑语义基元if 和“如果”。利用Antconc3.2.0和SPSS13.0等工具,从词频分布和语义韵进行对比分析,结果发现if 和“如果”在语义韵呈相关性,从而反映出自然语义元语言理论可适用于英语和汉语。 【关键词】自然语义元语言理论 语料库 逻辑基元 对比研究 一、引言 自上世纪70年代初,Ann