T25指的是能够引发25%的试验动物在其标准寿命期内特定组织肿瘤的化学物慢性剂量(mg/kg bwt/day),是致癌物危险度评价的重要指标之一[1-3]。通过良好设计的动物试验可以进行T25值的估算。以下介绍利用动物试验数据估算T25的方法。
T25 refers to a chronic chemical dose (mg / kg bwt / day) that can elicit 25% of a test animal’s specific tissue tumor over its standard lifetime and is an important indicator of carcinogenic risk assessment [1-3] . T25 values can be estimated from well-designed animal experiments. The following describes the use of animal test data to estimate the T25 method.