江泽民主席关于“关键是落实、落实,归根结底还是落实”的重要指示发表后推动了全军各项工作的落实。但是也出现了一些令人担忧的现象:有的单位、有些同志,抓落实的口号也没有少喊,工作也没有少做,但问题却不断发生。究其原委,还是工作不落实。分析起来,除了事业心、责任心不强外,与一些同志抓落实的指导思想不端正,思路不清晰,方法不对路,重点不突出有直接关系。因此,有必要从理论与实践的结合上,对这个问题作一些分析和探讨。 一、夙夜在公,端正抓落实的指导思想 抓工作落实,是为了搞好部队建设,提高部队战斗力,不是做给上面看的。对此,公开持不
President Jiang Zemin promoted the implementation of all tasks of the army after the publication of the important directive on “the key is to implement, implement, and ultimately implement.” However, some worrisome phenomena have also emerged. Some units and some comrades have not shunned slogans and made little or no efforts to implement the slogan. However, problems persist. The whole story, or work is not implemented. Analysis, in addition to dedication, sense of responsibility is not strong, and some comrades grasp the guiding ideology is not correct, the idea is not clear, the method is not right, the focus is not prominent is directly related. Therefore, it is necessary to make some analysis and discussion on this issue from the combination of theory and practice. First, in the night, at the guiding ideology of implementing public and correct actions, we must grasp the work done in order to do a good job in building a military force and enhancing the combat effectiveness of the armed forces. It is not for the above purposes. In this regard, the public does not hold