A review on promising phytochemical, nutritional and glycemic control studies on Moringa oleifera La

来源 :Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qhp168
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Plants have provided sources to find novel compounds. These plants are being used as therapeutic purposes since the birth of mankind. The traditional healers normally utilize medicinal plants as crude drugs while scientists using the folk claim as guides to explore medicinal plants. Moringa oleifera is a famous edible plant having therapeutic and nutritive values. The present study was designed to cumulate the research data regarding to what extent, phytochemical, nutritional and glycemic control studies has been explored using its different extracts. The articles indicated that the powder, aqueous, methanol and ethanol extracts of Moringa oleifera(leaves, pods, seeds, stem and root bark) have significant therapeutic herbal potential to treat diabetes mellitus. Collectively, the mechanism behind is intestinal glucose inhibition, insulin release as well as decrease in insulin resistance probably regeneration of b-cells of pancreas, increase in glutathione and reduction in malondialdehyde. Conclusively, this article give descriptive information about antidiabetic effect, claimed marker compounds and proposed antihyperglycemic mechanism of a single plant. It can be suggested a potential herbal source to treat diabetes mellitus as being widely accepted by major population as nutrition and therapeutic agent. The plants are offered used to find novel compounds. The traditional healers generally used medicinal plants as crude drugs while scientists using the folk claim as guides to explore medicinal plants. Moringa oleifera is a famous edible plant having therapeutic and nutritive values. The present study was designed to cumulate the research data regarding to what extent, phytochemical, nutritional and glycemic control studies has been explored using its different extracts. The articles indicated that the powder, aqueous, methanol and ethanol extracts of Moringa oleifera (leaves, pods, seeds, stem and root bark) have significant therapeutic herbal potential to treat diabetes mellitus. Collectively, the mechanism behind is intestinal glucose inhibition, insulin release as well as decrease in insulin resistance probably regeneration of b -cells of pancreas, increase in glutathione and reduction in malondialdehyd e. Conclusively, this article give descriptive information about antidiabetic effect, claimed marker compounds and proposed antihyperglycemic mechanism of a single plant. It can be suggested a potential herbal source to treat diabetes mellitus as being widely accepted by major population as nutrition and therapeutic agent.
教研组是我国中小学校具有特色的传统基层组织。20世纪50年代兴起的以教学研讨为主要任务的教师小组是教研组的前身。1957年,教育部根据这一组织的性质和任务正式发文将其规定为“教学研究组”[1]。从此,教研组的建设一直受到教育实践的关注,在当前普遍重视教师专业发展和校本教研的情境下,教研组活动对教师发展的促进作用更值得探索。    一、以专业研讨为内容,定位教研组活动    传统教研组的教研活动比较
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柿子没有熟,父亲就把树上的柿子采摘下來了。  “柿子还是青的,为什么就把它们采下来了呢?”我不解地问父亲。  “柿子自己会熟的。”父亲很有把握地说。  “采下来后,断掉了树给它们提供的养料,它怎么长熟呢?”  “过些天你就知道了。”  十多天后,搁在地板上的青柿子竟真变红了,用手捏一捏,过去硬硬的柿子,竟然变得软软的,我从中挑了一个吃,特别甜。  “是它自己熟的。”父亲说,“柿子从树上采下来,虽然