东方欲晓, 莫道君行早。 踏遍青山人未老, 风景这边独好。 会昌城外高峰, 颠连直接东溟。 战士指看南粤, 更加郁郁葱葱。 这首脍炙人口的《清平乐·会昌》,是毛泽东在中央苏区时期作的最后一首词。尽管诗人此时心情郁闷,但字里行间,仍充分表现了他在危急关头沉着镇定的革命气魄,高瞻远瞩的英明预见和对革命前途充满信心的革命乐观主义精神。
Desire the East, Murdoch Jun line early. Trekking mountains are not old, the scenery here is good. Huichang outside the peak, Britain directly connected to the East Ming. Warrior refers to the southern Guangdong, more lush. The win-win “Qingping Le Huichang” was the last word Mao Zedong made during the Central Soviet Area. Although the poet was in a gloomy mood at the moment, the performance of his calm and calm revolutionary vision at a critical juncture, the bright-soared and wise foresight and the optimistic revolutionary optimism toward the future of the revolution were still fully demonstrated.