代数结课复习是初三总复习的前哨战,如何提高复习的效率,在短时间内达到预期的效果,笔者认为应做好以下几点:1 根据大纲和教材,确定复习要点 结课复习的范围包括一元二次方程、函数及其图象和统计初步。这几部分,不仅内容非常重要,而且数学思想和方法十分丰富。因此,结课复习必须搞好。教师要根据大纲和教材的要求,依照知识系统,按照由浅入深、由易到难、由简到繁的顺序确定复习要点,有层
The review of algebraic classes is the outpost of the total review of the third grade. How to improve the efficiency of the review and achieve the expected results in a short period of time, the author believes that the following points should be done: 1 According to the outline and teaching materials, confirm the review points to review the class The scope includes quadratic equations, functions and their images and statistics. In these parts, not only is the content very important, but also the mathematical ideas and methods are very rich. Therefore, the review of classes must be done well. According to the requirements of the outline and the teaching materials, the teacher shall determine the review points according to the knowledge system and the sequence from shallow to deep, easy to difficult, and simple to complex.