卖点1、该系列车型诞生以来,首次配备W12以外的发动机。2、牺牲了“过剩”的动力,换来了“实惠”的价格。3、气场强大,非一般豪华轿车所能媲美。这是宾利飞驰系列车型自2006年诞生以来首次配配备W12以外的发动机,这让原本处于云端之上的它变得触手可及……BENTLEY NEW FLYING SPUR V8触手可及?即便是新飞驰V8也要300万元出头儿了好不好……当然,对于我或者我们而言,这些钱的确可以用“很多很多”甚至是“天文数字”来形容。但对于那些事业有成,且准备购买奔驰S600L、宝马760Li和奥迪A8L W12等“普通”豪华轿车的富豪们而言,这不过是一步之遥——只需再多掏一点儿钱,即可进入“顶级”奢华俱乐部!这种诱惑在之前是不曾出现的,毕竟这是飞驰系列车型自
Selling point 1, the series models have been born for the first time equipped with engines other than W12. 2, sacrificed “surplus ” power, in exchange for “affordable ” price. 3, a strong gas field, non-standard luxury sedans can be comparable. This is the first time the Bentley Fighters have been equipped with engines other than the W12 since its inception in 2006. This makes it even more within reach of the cloud ... BENTLEY NEW FLYING SPUR V8 is within reach - even the new V8 Of course, for me or us, the money can indeed be described as “many, many ” or even “astronomical ”. But for the billionaires who have a successful career and are ready to buy “normal” luxury sedans such as the Mercedes-Benz S600L, BMW 760Li and Audi A8L W12, this is just one step away - just a little more money, You can enter the “top ” luxury club! This temptation has never before appeared, after all, this is the speeding series models from