不久前,笔者采访了74岁高龄的离休干部高元锁,在与他的谈话中,笔者看到了一个老共产党员历久弥坚的革命本色。 高元锁同志从建国初期担任区委书记等职务,直至1991年离职休养,始终保持了一个共产党员一心为公、身先士卒的高尚品质和对党无比忠诚、对人民无比热爱的思想感情。他辗转农业、工业系统几十年如一日,与广大干部群众同甘共苦,与天斗、与地斗,创造了一个又一个奇迹。至今,凡他所工作过的地方,一提起高元锁,不论干部还是群众无不交口称赞,真是有口皆碑。 1954年,他调任碛口区委书记,次年,遇上天大旱,农业歉收。可他为了夺取下年农业丰收,秋后即带领区、村两级干部和广大群众大搞秋耕、深翻,组织人力、畜力一
Not long ago, I interviewed Gaoyuan Lock, a retired 74-year-old cadre. In his conversation with him, I saw an old revolutionary character of an old communist. Comrade Gao Yuansuo was secretary of the district party committee from the early days of the founding of the People’s Republic of China until his resignation and recuperation in 1991, always maintaining the ideological feeling of being a party member devoted to the public, taking the lead in sacrificing himself and being extremely loyal to the party and extremely loving to the people. After decades of running away from agriculture and industrial systems, he created one miracle after another with the common aspirations of the masses of cadres and the masses and the struggle with heaven and earth. Up to now, where he has worked, when he mentioned Gao Yuanshu, it is indeed well-known that both cadres and the masses should pay lip service. In 1954, he was transferred to Qikou district party secretary, the following year, in case of drought days, agricultural failure. However, in order to seize the following year’s agricultural harvest, he led the district and village cadres and the broad masses of the people in the autumn to carry out autumn planting and deep turning, organizing manpower and animal power one