ICU全名为intensive care unit,国内有译为加强监护病房,也有翻译为深切治疗部,一般译为重症监护病房。最早始于20世纪50年代丹麦哥本哈根脊髓灰质炎患者呼吸衰竭病例的人工呼吸支持,相当于现今的呼吸ICU。后来,由于临床分科的需要,相继成立了各种ICU,如冠心病重症监护治疗病房(CCU)、外科重症监护治疗病房(SICU)、神经外科重症监护
The full name of the ICU is intensive care unit, which is translated as Intensive Care Unit in China. There is also Translation for Intensive Care Unit, which is generally translated as ICU. Artificial respiration support was first reported in respiratory failure patients in Copenhagen, Denmark, in the 1950s, which is equivalent to today’s respiratory ICU. Later, due to the needs of clinical sub-branches, various ICUs were successively established, such as intensive care unit for coronary care (CCU), surgical intensive care unit (SICU), intensive care unit for neurosurgery