钾素是各种作物生长所必需的一种重要养分,能促进作物的光合作用来产生糖类和淀粉,与磷素、氮素同称为肥料“三要素”。合理适量施用钾素,能使农作物的秸秆粗壮坚韧、防止倒伏、促进开花结实,并增强抗寒、抗旱、抗病能力。因此,土壤中钾素含量高低直接影响作物产量。随着生产条件的不断变化,土壤钾素供应及钾肥肥效也发生了变化。 1 土壤中钾素变化情况及现状 根据新河县农业局化验结果,1984年,全县耕地土壤速效钾平均含量为117毫克/千克,按全国养
Potassium is an essential nutrient necessary for the growth of various crops. It can promote the photosynthesis of crops to produce sugar and starch, and is called “three elements” of fertilizer with phosphorus and nitrogen. Appropriate amount of application of potassium, make the stalks of crops sturdy, prevent lodging, and promote flowering and strong, and enhance cold, drought, disease resistance. Therefore, the soil potassium content directly affects the crop yield. With the continuous changes in production conditions, soil potassium supply and fertilizer efficiency has also changed. 1 Potassium changes in the soil and the status quo According to the Xinhe County Bureau of Agriculture laboratory test results, 1984, the county arable land average available potassium 117 mg / kg, according to the national support