The main task of immunological contraception is to find antigens that possess potent tissue specific and close relationship with fertility. In 1975 Shulman reported the presence of anti-sperm antibody in human serum and its close relationship with infertility. In our previous study, 300 sera from infertile subjects were analyzed for anti-sperm antibodies and their corresponding sperm membrane antigens were identified by Western blot. The molecular weights of the most frequently interacting sperm
The main task of immunological contraception is to find antigens that possess potent tissue specific and close relationship with fertility. In 1975 Shulman reported the presence of anti-sperm antibody in human serum and its close relationship with infertility. In our previous study, 300 sera from infertile subjects were analyzed for anti-sperm antibodies and their corresponding sperm membrane antigens were identified by Western blot. The molecular weights of the most frequently interacting sperm