By analyzing the noise characteristics of the calibrated low-dose CT projection data, the noise can be approximated by a Gaussian distribution, but the variance is related to the signal itself, and the relationship between the signal and the variance is nonlinear. Based on the above findings, we choose to penalize the weighted least mean square smoothing architecture as one of the optimal solutions to such problems. This method can construct the weighted matrix by a priori knowledge such as mean-variance relationship, and construct the penalty or regular operator by using two-dimensional local space information. At the same time, in order to further utilize the spatial correlation between different angles or slices, we first KL transform the projection data along the angle or the slice direction, and then penalize the transformed projection data with the weighted least mean square smooth, so that the original Three-dimensional filtering problem reduced to two-dimensional filtering process. By choosing appropriate neighborhoods, the K-L penalty-weighted least-mean-square smoothing method can make full use of prior knowledge of statistics and three-dimensional spatial information to more accurately recover low-dose CT images contaminated by noise. The experimental results show that the proposed method is superior to the traditional low-pass filter in selecting the appropriate control parameters for the noise filtering effect of projection data.