华灯初上,透过通体大玻璃鸟瞰美丽的维多利亚港,夜色已经被满眼的圣诞灯饰烘托得热闹非凡——如果平安夜你碰巧坐在我向你推荐的Cafe Deco(峰景餐厅)里,就会发觉,原来香港的夜晚充满了五彩缤纷的童话气息,和它白天的紧张逼仄完全是两副面孔。这家是位于香港太平山顶的餐厅,拥有13年历史,上下两层可以同时容纳400~500位客人——在寸土寸金而且竞争激烈的城市里拥有这样的寿命和面积,本身就已经是相当不错的金字招牌。一进门,不需要下大工夫寻觅,你就会发现
At the beginning of the Chinese lantern, looking through the beautiful glass vaults at the beautiful Victoria Harbor, the night has been crowded with Christmas lights - if you happen to sit in my favorite Cafe Deco restaurant on Christmas Eve, Hong Kong’s night is full of colorful fairy tales, and its tension during the day is exactly two faces. This is a 13-year-old restaurant on the Peak of Hong Kong, with 400 to 500 guests on both upper and lower levels - a life that is comparable in size and in a highly competitive city, in itself Nice gold signboard. A door, do not need to work hard to find, you will find