加强机关作风建设 ,既是继承、发扬党的优良传统和实践江总书记“三个代表”重要思想的内在要求 ,也是由我们党肩负的历史重任和党政机关的地位作用所决定的 ,更是目前省统计局机关干部思想作风的现状所需要的。近年来 ,统计工作的整体水平和服务质量有了明显提高 ,机关作风建
Strengthening institutional style building is not only the inherent requirement of inheriting and carrying forward the party’s fine traditions and practicing General Secretary Jiang’s important concept of “three represents,” but also the historical responsibility of our party and the role of party and government organs. Currently the provincial Bureau of Statistics cadres and ideological style needed for the status quo. In recent years, the overall level of statistical work and service quality has been significantly improved.