Crazy Jobs Kids Used To Do Long Ago

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  It’s great being a kid today! Really, it is. You might think it’s a boring job going to school every day for half to three quarters of the year. And then just as you finally get to enjoy summer, your parents stick you in summer camp or sign you up for sports. You’re thinking, “When will I ever get time to myself to just have some fun, play some video games... or just hang out in my room!”
  You know, it wasn’t always this way. Less than a hundred years ago, kids didn’t go to school but went to work every day. And some of these jobs weren’t very attractive and exciting—you didn’t get to be a video game tester, or a pie taster... Here are 2 crazy jobs from way back that you wouldn’t want now.
  1 Newsie
  Historical photo of a group of Nashville newsies. In the middle of the group is 7 year old Sam. He sells nights also. (1912-1913)
  You might think that newspapers boys (or newsies) had a really musical life if you’ve ever seen the movie or the play, but that wasn’t the case. During the 1890s, if you were a young boy you could buy lots of newspapers and then sell them on the street for some money. Of course, you needed the best street corner to sell them, so newsies often fought each other for space. It wasn’t an easy life and strikes by the newsies led to better working conditions at last.
  2 Pinsetter
  Historical photo of bowling pinsetters (球童).
  If you’ve ever been bowling, then you’ve probably watched excitedly as the machine at the end of the lane resets the pins for you after they’ve fallen down. Before these machines were invented, that job was done by teenage boys. It might sound like an easy enough job, but pinsetters had to watch out for pins flying their way from other lanes as well as bowling balls hitting them. You had to be really quick on your feet to stay safe!
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【摘要】语音的好坏不仅直接关系到语言整体水平的提高, 还影响到交际能否成功,然而语音学习中存在原因发音不饱满、语调使用不规范、拖音、重读层次不清、连读生硬等问题。本文结合借助播音发声技巧,探讨了有效的英语语调教学策略。  【关键词】语音语调 难点 播音发声技巧  正确的语音、语调特别有利于听、说能力 (交际能力) 的培养与提高。但是受汉语语调甚至是方言语调的影响,学生的英语语调根深蒂固。因此,如何
来被人们视为侵蚀心灵的 “精神鸦片”——黄色信息,长期以来人们只重视其对成年人的危害。然而近年来,黄色信息对儿童和青少年的毒害已经成了一个亟待引起我们重视和警觉
【摘要】《艺术导论》应该成为高校艺术教育课程体系中的一项基础性课程。对于本门课的教学,需要根据素质教育的目标和要求,合理定位该课程的教学内容和体系架构,创造性地运用各种教学手段和方法,将艺术教育同人文素质教育结合起来,从而实现良好的教学效果。  【关键词】艺术导论;素质教育;教学  随着教育观念的发展,大学生的艺术和文化素质教育越来越受到重视,比如在高校课程中曾设艺术选修课,组建大学生文艺社团。目