一 建立现代汉语通用语料库的必要性和可能性 长期以来我们在语言研究领域内采用的是传统的“内省”和“举例”的方法。这种方法在很大程度上要依赖语言学家的识见和经验。尽管我们的语言学家多数人治学是很严谨的,但是智者千虑必有一失,偶而的疏漏是在所难免的。例如我们平时觉得在现代汉语里“楼”是绝少单用的,一般总是说“大楼”、“红楼”、“一楼”、“二楼”等等,“国”也是绝少单用的,一般总是说“国
The Necessity and Possibility of Establishing a Universal Corpus of Modern Chinese We have long adopted traditional “introspection” and “example” approaches in the field of linguistic research. Much of this approach relies on linguists’ insights and experience. Although most of our linguists are rigorous in their scholarship, wise people must have a chance of missing out, with occasional omissions inevitable. For example, we generally think that in Modern Chinese, “building” is seldom used alone. Generally speaking, “building”, “red building”, “first floor”, “second floor” Often, always say "country