在李先念纪念馆即将举行揭馆典礼的前夕,我有幸先睹了为之献礼的,由中共红安县委党史办公室编(主编彭希林,副主编任正学、曾俐玲),武汉大学出版社出版的《李先念与故乡红安》一书,掩卷深思,爱不释手,感谢编著者以翔实的史料,饱满的激情和流畅的文笔,为我们编辑出版了这样一部可亲可信可读可藏的好书。 一、内容丰富 史料翔实 《李先念与故乡红安》由四部分组成。即:第一部分故乡情怀。主要叙述了李先念主席心想红安,情系故乡,在国事繁忙、日理万机的情况下,五度回故乡红安视察的情形。第二部分革命生涯。主要叙述了李先念主席在故乡投身革命,参加战斗的光辉历程,同时简述了他伟大光辉的一生。第三部分风范长存。主要收入了包括李先念主席的女儿和曾在他身边工作过的一些同志所撰写的纪念文章,歌颂他伟大的革命风范和崇高的道德情操。第四部分附录。收录了《李先念纪念馆陈列方案与展品脚本》,全面系统地介绍了李先念纪念馆的布展情况。四部分共收入文稿41篇,计32万多字,内容相当丰富。
On the eve of the imminent opening ceremony of Li Xiannian Memorial Hall, I was fortunate enough to witness the tribute presented by the party’s history office of Hong’an County (edited by Peng Xilin, associate editor Ren Zhengxue and Zeng Lailing), published by Wuhan University Press And the hometown of Hong An “book, concealment, put it down, thanked the author with full and accurate historical data, full of passion and fluent writing, for us to edit and publish such a credible credible readable possession of a good book. First, rich in content Historical facts ”Li Xian and his hometown Hongan“ consists of four parts. Namely: The first part of hometown feelings. It mainly describes the case where Chairman Li Xiannian was thinking of Hongan and his hometown is hometown. In his busy state of affairs, he went home to Hong’an for five times to inspect the situation. The second part of the revolutionary career. It mainly describes Chairman Li Xiannian’s glorious history of joining the revolution in his hometown and participating in the battle, and at the same time he gives a brief account of his great glory. The third part of the long-lasting style. He mainly remembered the memorial articles written by his daughter, Chairman Li Xiannian, and some comrades who had worked for him and praised him for his great revolutionary style and lofty moral sentiments. Part IV appendix. Contains the ”Li Xian Memorial Museum display programs and exhibits script", a comprehensive and systematic introduction of Li Xian Nian memorial hall of the exhibition. The four parts received 41 contributions in total, more than 320,000 words, and the content is quite rich.