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明末清初的17世纪是中国和欧洲开始直接的文化接触和互动的时期。在中西文化和人员交流上,欧洲耶稣会士扮演了一个关键性的角色,1630—1680年间,中国境内约有30多位耶稣会士。耶稣会士以教授“有用之学”作为传教的手段,向中国输入了大量欧洲的前近代和近代科学知识。这些知识使明末清初的中国天文学发生了一场“革命”。本文以在晚明中西学术交流中作出突出贡献的传教士利玛窦和明朝官员徐光启合作翻译出版西学著作为主线,探讨欧洲科学传统对明朝科学家徐光启、李之藻和李天经等人的影响。论文认为这些学者对欧洲的自然哲学、科学方法论以及研究范式有深刻的认知。然而,欧洲科学的内核和方法论的输入,并没有在中国引起一场科学革命,除改朝换代的动乱,那时的中国确实缺乏欧洲近代科学诞生时期的那种多方面的社会文化要素和推动力量。 The 17th century at the end of Ming and early Qing Dynasty was a period of direct cultural contact and interaction between China and Europe. In the exchange of Chinese and Western cultures and personnel, the Jesuits in Europe played a key role. Between 1630 and 1680 there were about 30 Jesuits in China. The Jesuits used the teaching of “useful learning” as a method of missionary mission to import a large amount of European pre-modern and modern scientific knowledge into China. This knowledge led to a “revolution” in Chinese astronomy in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties. This article takes Le Matteo, the missionary who made outstanding contributions during the academic exchanges between China and the West, and Xu Guangqi, an official of the Ming Dynasty, to work as the main line of translation and publication of Western Learning to discuss the influence of European scientific traditions on Mingguang scientists such as Xu Guangqi, Li Zhi Zao and Li Tianjing. The dissertation holds that these scholars have a profound understanding of European philosophy of nature, scientific methodology and research paradigm. However, the input of the core and methodology of European science did not arouse a scientific revolution in China. In addition to the turmoil of the dynastic era, China at that time did indeed lack the multi-faceted socio-cultural elements and impetuses of the birth of modern science in Europe.
东西方的差距何以拉开  为什么宋元时期如日中天的中国古代科技没能持续多久便落伍于世界?这不得不回到李约瑟提出的那个著名论题:为什么在公元前1世纪到公元15世纪期间,中国文明在获取自然知识并将其应用于人的实际需要方面比西方文明有效得多?或者从另一个方面讲,为什么近代科学诞生在了欧洲而不是中国?国际国内学者就此难题发表的文章不计其数,也有人认为“李约瑟难题”本身就是伪问题,因为历史不能假设。不过,我们
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