Under confining pressure of 60MPa and frequency of about 0.85NHz, we measured the velocity and attenuation of longitudinal and transverse waves on 29 water-saturated sandstone and shale samples. Measurement, the use of pulse reflection wave method, the sample (diameter of 5cm, length 1.5 ~ 2.5cm) placed in a high pressure container between the plexiglass buffer rod. The velocity of each seismic wave is determined on the basis of the propagation time differences of phase points (corrected for diffraction effects) of signals reflected from the top and bottom of each sample. The attenuation data is expressed as “quality factor”: Qp and Qs are the longitudinal and transverse wave quality factors, respectively. The results show that Qs strongly correlates with Vs, while Qp is weakly correlated with Vp, Qp strongly correlates with Qs, and Qp is strongly correlated with the volume fraction of mineral components in the pores, regardless of whether the minerals are clays or carbonates. The conclusion is that the attenuation mechanism is due to the large difference between the modulus of elasticity of the bedrock and the minerals in the pores, and the local fluid flow caused by the uneven expansion.