1分类传统将血友病分为3类:①重型:因子水平0.01 u/ml(正常人的1%);②中型:因子水平在0.01~0.05 u/ml(正常人的1%~5%);③轻型:因子水平在0.05~0.40 u/ml(正常人的5%~40%)。此分类标准已由国际血栓与止血学会因子Ⅷ及因子Ⅸ科学标准委员会公布。然而,对轻型血友病分类标准的上
1 Classification Traditional hemophilia is divided into three categories: ① heavy: factor level 0.01 u / ml (1% of normal); ② medium: factor level of 0.01 ~ 0.05 u / ml (normal 1% to 5% ); ③ light: factor level of 0.05 ~ 0.40 u / ml (normal 5% to 40%). This classification criteria by the International Society of Thrombosis and Hemostasis Factor Ⅷ and Factor IX Scientific Committee announced. However, the classification of light haemophilia is the standard