我们诊治1例原发性肝癌合并下腔静脉和右心房瘤栓致肺栓塞患者,现报道如下。1病例摘要患者男性,54岁,农民。既往体健。因“活动后胸闷、气促5天”于2014年3月1日入院。查体:体温:36.9℃,脉搏:106次/分,呼吸25次/分,血压90/50 mmHg。神志不清,两肺呼吸音粗,未闻及干湿性罗音,心音有力,心脏各瓣膜区未闻及病理性杂音。外院腹部彩超示:肝左叶占位,
We diagnose and treat a case of primary liver cancer complicated by inferior vena cava and right atrial fibrillation caused by pulmonary embolism, are reported below. 1 case summary Male patient, 54 years old, farmer. Past physical health. Due to “chest tightness after activity, shortness of breath 5 days” was admitted on March 1, 2014. Physical examination: body temperature: 36.9 ℃, pulse: 106 beats / min, breathing 25 beats / min, blood pressure 90/50 mmHg. Consciousness, coarse breath sounds of both lungs, unheard-of and wet and dry rales, powerful heart sounds, heart valves, and no pathological murmurs. Outside the hospital belly color ultrasound show: liver left lobe occupancy,