
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ahcyw
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Objective: Surface and intramuscular electromyography was used to investigate shoulder muscle activity in subjects with multidirectional instability (MDI). Methods: Subjects (seven MDI, 11 control) performed repetitive shoulder abduction/adduction, flexion/extension and internal/external rotation movements on an isokinetic dynamometer. The activity of the deltoid, infraspinatus, supraspinatus, latissimus dorsi, and pectoralis major muscles were recorded using double-differential surface and intramuscular fine-wire electrodes. A repeated measures analysis of variance evaluated group differences in the amplitude, onset, termination and duration of the muscle activity. Results: Significant activation parameter differences for the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, posterior deltoid and pectoralis major muscles were found in the subjects with MDI. The rotator cuff and posterior deltoid muscles demonstrated abbreviated periods of activity when performing internal/external rotation, despite activation amplitudes that were similar to the controls. In contrast, the activation of the pectoralis major differed from the control group in both the amplitude and time domains when performing shoulder extension. Conclusions: MDI is associated with atypical patterns of muscle activity that occur even when highly constrained movements are used to elicit the activity. Significance: In addition to glenohumeral hyperlaxity, the results suggest that dysfunctional neuromuscular control of the rotator cuff is also a contributing factor to the pathoetiology of MDI. Objective: Surface and intramuscular electromyography was used to investigate shoulder muscle activity in subjects with multidirectional instability (MDI). Methods: Subjects (seven MDI, 11 control) performed repetitive shoulder abduction / adduction, flexion / extension and internal / external rotation movements on an isokinetic dynamometer. The activity of the deltoid, infraspinatus, supraspinatus, latissimus dorsi, and pectoralis major muscles were recorded using double-differential surface and intramuscular fine-wire electrodes. A repeated measures analysis of variance evaluated group differences in the amplitude, onset, termination and duration of the muscle activity. Results: Significant activation parameter differences for the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, posterior deltoid and pectoralis major muscles were found in the subjects with MDI. The rotator cuff and posterior deltoid devices demonstrates abbreviated periods of activity when performing internal / external rotation, despite activ a contrast amplitudes that were similar to the controls. In contrast, the activation of the pectoralis major differed from the control group in both the amplitude and time domains when performing shoulder extension. Conclusions: MDI is associated with atypical patterns of muscle activity that occur even when highly constrained movements are used to elicit the activity. Significance: In addition to glenohumeral hyperlaxity, the results suggest that dysfunctional neuromuscular control of the rotator cuff is also a contributing factor to the pathoetiology of MDI.
那一年,我正读高二,因为临近高考,学校里几乎取消了所有高中二年级、三年级的假期。不仅如此,一周还要上6天晚自习。  我家离学校较远,途中有一段近百米的土路。白天还好说,晚上那段土路两旁没有路灯,且行人稀少,这让生性胆小的我为此忐忑不安。在我的软磨硬泡下,父亲答应在晚自习后接我,这让我悬着的心终于落了下来。只是辛苦了父亲,他取消了晚上所有的应酬,除了周六,每天晚上,他都风雨无阻地准时到校门口接我回家
根据黑龙江省绥化、克山、讷河三个地区的调查:春小麦的适期播种是在3月28日到4月上旬,也就是在土壤化冻3厘米左右(指干土层下面的湿土化冻深度)时,播种为最 According to
We studied the motor response to modifying the rate of application of sensory input to the human spinal cord during stepping. We measured the electromyographi c