春华秋实、岁月如流。新世纪第一个金秋,11月29日,我国目前规模最大的一所综合性少数民族高等学府——中南民族学院,迎来她的50周年华诞。 在白云黄鹤故乡、武汉市南湖之滨的校园内,绿树成荫,彩旗飘扬,成万名各民族学生和教职员工,载歌载舞,欢庆他们自己的节日。 五十年风雨,五十载耕耘,在党的民族政策光辉照耀下,中南民院从无到有、从“文革”浩劫,撤销停办到恢复重建,两次白手起家,两次艰苦创业,经历
Chunhua Qiu Shi, years flow. The first golden autumn of the new century, November 29, our nation’s largest comprehensive higher education institution - South Central University for Nationalities, celebrated her 50th birthday. In the hometown of Baiyun Huanghe and the campus of Nanhu Lake in Wuhan City, the tree-lined and colorful flags fluttered into thousands of ethnic students and faculty members singing and dancing and celebrating their own festivals. Fifty years of wind and rain, fifty years of hard work, in the shining of the party’s national policy, the Central People’s Court from scratch, from the “Cultural Revolution” catastrophe, the suspension to restore and rebuild, twice from scratch, two arduous pioneering experience