Significance of Carbon Isotopes in Carbonate Sequence Stratigraphy——As Exemplified by the Permian

来源 :Chinese Journal of Geochemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zglcharmer134
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Based on the research on sequence stratigraphy of the Permian in Southwest China, in conjunction with the carbon isotope data from the typical sections at Ganluo, Sichuan and Tianlin and Mashan, Guangxi, the authors suggest that the genetic framework and internal architicture of different sequences possess quite different carbon isotopic characteristics. Therefore, the following problems can be solved in terms of carbon isotopic values, evolutionary curve patterns and structures of carbonate sequences: (1) to determe the nature of sequence boundary surface and related geological events; (2) to recognize various kinds of sedimentary system tracts; (3) to discuss the internal architicture and genetic framework of the sequences and their evolution; (4) to subdivide and correlate sedimentary sequences on a regional or global scale; and (5) to enhance the resolution of sequence stratigraphic analysis. Stable carbon isotopes have proved themselves to be valid in sequence stratigraphic studies of carbonate rocks, as demonstrated by our results presented in this paper. Based on the research on sequence stratigraphy of the Permian in Southwest China, in conjunction with the carbon isotope data from the typical sections at Ganluo, Sichuan and Tianlin and Mashan, Guangxi, the authors suggest that the genetic framework and internal architicture of different sequences possess Evolution of curve isotope patterns and structures of carbonate sequences: (1) to determe the nature of sequence boundary surface and related geological events; (2) to recognize various kinds of sedimentary system tracts; (3) to discuss the internal architicture and genetic framework of the sequences and their evolution; (4) to subdivide and correlate sedimentary sequences on a regional or global scale; and (5) to enhance the resolution of sequence stratigraphic analysis. Stable carbon isotopes have proved themselves to be valid in sequence stratigraphic studie s of carbonate rocks, as demonstrated by our results presented in this paper.
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