不知从何时起,人们对“深呼吸有益健康”深信不疑,总认为深呼吸能增加氧吸入量,还能加速排出二氧化碳等废物。但据研究资料表明:任何形式的深呼吸,对身体不但无益,反而有害健康。 其实,氧气和二氧化碳都是人体必不可少的,人体血液中不仅要有2%的氧,也必须有6.5%的二氧化碳。空气中的氧是人体需求量的10倍,平静的呼吸就可满足。但空气中二氧化碳只有人体需求量
I do not know since when people were convinced that “deep breathing and good for health”, always think that deep breathing can increase oxygen inhalation, but also accelerate the discharge of carbon dioxide and other wastes. However, according to research data, any form of deep breathing is not only harmful to the body but harmful to health. In fact, oxygen and carbon dioxide are essential to the human body, the body’s blood not only have 2% oxygen, but also must have 6.5% of carbon dioxide. The oxygen in the air is 10 times the body’s demand, calm breathing can be satisfied. But the air of carbon dioxide only human demand