Finite horizon optimal control of discrete-time nonlinear systems with unfixed initial state using a

来源 :Journal of Control Theory and Applications | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guanxinyang
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In this paper,we aim to solve the finite horizon optimal control problem for a class of discrete-time nonlinear systems with unfixed initial state using adaptive dynamic programming(ADP) approach.A new-optimal control algorithm based on the iterative ADP approach is proposed which makes the performance index function converge iteratively to the greatest lower bound of all performance indices within an error according to within finite time.The optimal number of control steps can also be obtained by the proposed-optimal control algorithm for the situation where the initial state of the system is unfixed.Neural networks are used to approximate the performance index function and compute the optimal control policy,respectively,for facilitating the implementation of the-optimal control algorithm.Finally,a simulation example is given to show the results of the proposed method. In this paper, we aim to solve the finite horizon optimal control problem for a class of discrete-time nonlinear systems with unfixed initial state using adaptive dynamic programming (ADP) approach. A new-optimal control algorithm based on the iterative ADP approach is proposed which makes the performance index function converge iteratively to the greatest lower bound of all performance indices within an error according to within finite time. The optimal number of control steps can also be obtained by the proposed-optimal control algorithm for the situation where the initial state of the system is unfixed. Neural networks are used to approximate the performance index function and compute the optimal control policy, respectively, for facilitating the implementation of the-optimal control algorithm .Finally, a simulation example is given to show the results of the proposed control method.
陈宝泉是近代中国杰出的教育家,他一生致力于中国教育的改革和进步事业,其教育活动贯穿于近代中国的许多重大教育事件中,他的教育思想在近代中国教育史上有重要的地位。  作为
目的:探讨英语为母语的标准化病人(standardized patient,SP)在临床医学专业留学生病史采集考核中的应用效果。方法:2018年10月,选取经培训合格的4名英语为母语的SP(均为武汉大
经筵,是指汉唐以来帝王为讲读经史而专设的御前讲席。它在宋代正式形成制度,并为元、明、清三代所沿袭。  明代的经筵历史很长。它于明英宗正统元年(1436)二月正式确立为制度