一、山谷拾宝 帕米尔冰山脚下,有道极其幽深 的峡谷。谷底是穆尔加布河,人迹罕 至。 据说第一次世界大战前,一个经 营丝绸的吉尔吉斯商人路过这里,见 天色已晚,就决定在峡谷里休息一 夜。睡到半夜,随着一阵狂风,他听 到一件什么东西“咚”地砸在他身旁 的箱子上。他警觉地跳起来,拔出火 枪,举目四望却什么也没有,当他清 点货物时,却发现一个闪光的圆桶落 在木箱上。拿起来一看,不像是一般 提水用的桶,好像是用纯银铸成的。 他很激动,忙将桶包好,未等天亮, 就急忙骑上骆驼匆匆离去了。
First, the valley pick up Pamir iceberg at the foot of the road is extremely deep canyon. The bottom is the Mur Gabuhe, untouchable. It is said that before the First World War, a silk businessman in Kyrgyzstan passed by here and saw the weather was late and decided to rest overnight in the gorges. Asleep until midnight, with a gust of wind, he heard something “boom” hit the box next to him. He jumped up alertly, pulled out his musket and looked up without looking. When he counted the goods, he found a flashing bucket falling on the wooden case. Take a look, unlike the general barrels with water, it seems to be made of sterling silver. He was very excited, busy bucket packed, did not wait dawn, hurriedly rushed camel left.