例1 男,24岁.因上腹部被击伤,腹痛无尿29小时于1980年3月4日急诊入院.病前患者曾无意中发现剑突下偏左侧有一拳头大包块,当时无症状未予诊治.检查:神志清楚,面色苍白,脉率132次/分,血压180/110mmHg.腹部极度膨隆,有压痛和反跳痛,移动性浊音阳性,肝浊音界存在,肠鸣音弱.腹腔穿刺抽出较清晰淡黄色带有尿气味的液体.膀胱镜检查:膀胱粘膜轻度充血,右输尿管开口呈萎缩状态,周围有放射状血管分布,输尿管导管不能插入。左侧输尿管口呈半月状,未见蠕动和排尿,输尿管导管插入15cm 后受阻,无尿液流出.血常规:白细胞14000/mm~3.手术探查及治疗:开腹后有大量淡黄色略混浊的液体流出,有
Example 1 Male, 24 years old. Injured by the upper abdomen, abdominal pain, anuria for 29 hours, was admitted to the hospital on March 4, 1980. The patient had inadvertently found a fist mass left under the xiphoid, Symptoms were not diagnosed and treated. Check: Conscious, pale, pulse rate 132 beats / min, blood pressure 180 / 110mmHg. Abdominal extreme bulging, tenderness and rebound tenderness, mobility dullness positive, voiced obscurus, weak bowel sounds Abdominal puncture extract clearer yellowish liquid with urine odor cystoscopy: mild congestion of the bladder mucosa, the right ureteral orifice showed atrophy, radial distribution of blood vessels around the ureter catheter can not be inserted. Left ureteral orifice was half-moon-shaped, no peristalsis and urination, ureteral catheter 15cm blocked after obstruction, no urine outflow.Hydrocytosis: white blood cells 14000 / mm ~ 3. Surgical exploration and treatment: a large number of light yellow slightly cloudy after laparotomy The outflow of liquid, there