1946年10月21日,蒋介石和宋美龄飞抵台北松山机场,这是蒋介石的第一次台湾之行。 蒋介石赴台是为了参加台湾省回归祖国怀抱一周年庆祝活动的。在欢庆这一历史性胜利的时刻,广大台湾同胞对他在4个月前发动反共反人民全面内战的真实面目和南京政府的全面腐败认识还不太清楚,所以他的行动如同“民族英雄”的凯旋和“最高领袖”的视察,无处不受欢呼。
On October 21, 1946, Chiang Kai-shek and Soong Mei-ling flew to Taipei’s Songshan Airport, which was Chiang Kai-shek’s first visit to Taiwan. Chiang Kai-shek went to Taiwan for the purpose of participating in the celebration of the first anniversary of Taiwan’s return to the embrace of the motherland. At the time of celebrating this historic victory, the majority of Taiwanese compatriots are still not quite sure about the true nature of the anti-Communist anti-people all-out civil war they launched four months ago and the full corruption of the Nanjing government. Therefore, his actions are like “national hero Triumph and ”supreme leader" inspection, ubiquitous cheers.