水泥预制组装式深坑滑坡三格化粪池厕所,在我区部队、机关推广以来,深受欢迎。为验证工艺流程的设计水平和卫生效果,近几年我们对使用半年以上的21个厕所,进行了卫生学调查和检测,现将结果报告如下。方法一、观察指标 1.粪液一般理化性质:颜色、形状、粪温、比重、水分、pH值和氨氮含量。 2.蛔虫卵的沉降率和死亡率。 3.粪大肠菌群值。
Cement prefabricated assembled deep pit landslide three septic tank toilet, in our area units, agencies since the promotion, very popular. In order to verify the design level and health effects of the process, in recent years we conducted hygiene surveys and tests on 21 toilets using more than half a year. The results are reported as follows. Method One, the observation indicators 1 manure general physical and chemical properties: color, shape, temperature, specific gravity, water, pH and ammonia content. Ascaris egg deposition rate and mortality. 3. fecal coliform value.