A Brief Analysis of the Current Situation of the Design of Classroom Teaching Objectives for Englis

来源 :锦绣·中旬刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:oklizheng
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  Abstract:It is the basis for effective teaching to design English classroom teaching reasonably and effectively.According to the author's trainee and internship,this paper found real phenomenon that exist in the design of classroom teaching objectives.The paper will also try to forward put some specific operational suggestions in the design of classroom teaching objectives in order to optimize English classroom teaching and improve classroom teaching efficiency.
  Key words:teaching objectives;phenomena;suggestions
  In the English classroom teaching,teachers usually pay more attention on “how to teach”,but ignore the implementation of teaching activities and the expected results.They have not been able to develop a reasonable and effective classroom teaching objectives which result in that the instruction presented time-consuming and inefficient state for a long time.Therefore,Therefore,it is necessary to understand the problems in classroom teaching and adjust them.
  一、The Phenomenon of Designing Classroom Teaching Objectives
  Being formalization:The design of classroom teaching objectives only take in form,even teaching objectives that listed in the lesson plan just to prepared for the inspection and assessment.This result is reflected in so many ways.Teachers,for example,just take the ready-made teaching objectives in the  teaching reference book to copied their own lesson plans.By contrast,their real classroom teachings only rely on their own teaching experience and examination requirements.
  Lacking of maneuverability:Most teachers use "To develop the students' ability of reading" "To improve the students' speaking ability" "To help the students acquire information through reading and listening" and other forms such as "cultivate,enable,train,build up,equip,encourage,enhance" and other verbs to express the teaching objectives(LiYumei,2010).In fact,it is so difficult to achieve these goals just in a class.Therefore,as to what extent students should master,how to evaluate and test the learning results after class,there is no explanation in the target design.Under the instruction of such teaching objectives,it is so hard for the teachers to grasp the teaching direction of classrooms.
  Disconnecting between Learning Objective and Practice:The reason why a host of problems exist is that teaching is disaffiliated from learning objectives.Since teachers can obtain learning objectives from Internet,they take for granted that it is no use spending a wide range of time to make teaching plans.it is evident that various teachers in different schools have the same English learning objectives,which will be neglected.They will copy or fabricate learning objectives at random to go through the motions rather than think over the students realities.   二、Suggestions
  Combining presupposition and generation:The design of classroom teaching objectives should be combined with presupposition and generation.Before class,teachers should carefully presuppose the content,take full account of what may happen in class,and figure out what students may think about on certain problems.At the same time,it is necessary to hold some flexibility in the design of the goals,so as to create a balance between preset and generation which can improve operability.
  Basing on the hierarchical analysis:According to the actual situation of the students and the needs,the design of the teaching objectives should have a certain level of hierarchy.Some students are interested in pronunciation or reading so teachers must pay attention the development and their personality of each student so that different levels of students can get different the degree of improvement.It is also reflects the new conception of the new curriculum "focus on the development of every student".
  Changing the conception and improving the level of teachers' ability:Only paying attention to the goal of the classroom can we achieve the teaching effect and realize the overall objections of English teaching.At the same time,teachers with good professional knowledge and design theory can achieve more than half the effort.Therefore,not only strengthen the professional knowledge of learning,teachers also should pay attention to training,learning organization theory,the concept of updating the teaching design,learning experience.
  The paper analyzed some problems on teacher when they design teaching objectives.According to the curriculum standard,the author tries to put forward practical suggestions for teachers to design classroom teaching objectives in order to expect to change this situation and make herself own modest efforts for the development of teaching.
  [1]Dooley,E.& James R.Linder & Dooley,L.M.(2005).Writing instructional objectives[J].Advanced Methods in Distance Education Application(1):118-131.
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