A Research of Logical Connectors Used by Chinese English Learners from the Longitudinal Perspective

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  【Abstract】Based on Corpus, the present study investigates the developmental features of the use of logical connectors. Chinese learners use all kinds of logical connectors in their English writing, but their frequencies are different. Chinese learners, especially high school students rely heavily on a few logical connectors, the used of adverbials lack diversity. As students learn English more, the use of adverbials present different developmental features. In, addition, there is a significant difference between ST2 and ST3 in the use of logical connectors, but there is no significant difference between ST3 and ST4.
  【Key words】Chinese English Learners; Logical Connectors; Longitudinal Perspective
  1. Introduction
  Discourses are made up of sentences, and sentences become a unified whole by the use of appropriate cohesive devices. Logical connectors are important cohesive devices and do not have clear and definite meanings by themselves, their main function is to make the logical or semantic relations in the writing clear. people can understand the semantic relations between sentences, or even logically predict the subsequent sentences through the use of logical connectors (Hu Zhuanglin,1994:92).
  The present study is designed to examine the use of logical connectors in writing by Chinese learners across three learning stages from a longitudinal perspective. And it aims to be significant both in theory and in practice. In theory, it is intended to enrich the research on the use of logical connectors in L2 writing and promote a better understanding of the role of logical connectors in writing. In practice, it aims to reveal the developmental trend in the use of logical connectors in writing of ESL learners in China and provide insights into the teaching and learning of logical connectors in English writing.
  2. Research Design
  On the basis of Quirk (1985)’ classification of logical connectors, the present study investigates the developmental features of the use of logical connectors, specifically, the research questions examined in the study are:
  1)What are the overall features of the use of logical connectors at three different learning stages and what are the top ten most frequent logical connectors respectively?
  2)As students learn English more, what are the features and trends of the use of logical connectors?
  The present study is divided into three steps:
  Firstly, three sub-corpora of CLEC(Chinese Learner English Corpus)which are ST2,ST3 and ST4 have been chosen to stand for three different learning stages. Secondly,the three sub-corpora are searched to get the occurrence frequencies of logical connectors with the help of corpus concordancing software Wordsmith. Thirdly, quantitative and qualitative analyses and discussion are carried out to find out the developmental features of the use of logical connectors and reasons for these features   3. Research Results and Discussion
  3.1 Overall features of the use of logical connectors
  At different learning stages students use all kinds of logical connectors (11125), but their occurrence frequencies are quite different, the enumerative adverbials (3893) are most frequently used, resultative (3721) or deductive adverbials come second, transitional adverbials (87) are least used. The reason for this finding may be that teachers overemphasize the role of logical connectors in the realization of cohesion and coherence so that some students deliberately mark semantic and logical relationship clearly by using logical connectors even though sometimes there is no logical relation at all.
  2371, 4275 and 4479 logical connectors and 60, 99 and 109 types are used in ST2, ST3 and ST4 respectively. These numbers show that as learning stages improve, students use more and a richer variety of logical connectors. It is possibly because as students learn English more, they have a deeper understanding of the important role logical connectors play in the realization of textual cohesion and coherence, and at the same time, students have acquired more types and a large number of logical connectors.
  The distribution of different semantic categories in the three corpora is roughly the same: the groups of students most frequently use categories of result/ inference, enumeration/ addition and contrast/ concession to make the relations clear in their English writing. They rarely use logical connectors of summation/ transition. And appositive and corroborative logical connectors are moderately used. This phenomenon may be caused by the influence of Chinese thinking mode and teachers’ or guide books’ writing instruction.
  As students learn English more, the use of logical connectors present different changing trends and features. In order to test whether these observed differences are statistically significant, Chi-square Tests are carried out with the help of SPSS. In the comparison between ST2 and ST3, p = 0.022﹤0.05, so the difference in the use of logical connectors between ST2 and ST3 is statistically significant. The significant increase in the use of logical connectors from ST2 to ST3 is due to the following reasons. Firstly, in middle schools, both students and teachers pay no or little attention to writing, let alone the essays’ discourse structure and cohesion or coherence. Secondly, in order to do a better job in test, college students are driven to memorize more words among which logical connectors are easy to remember, and consult a lot of writing handbooks which have a fixed pattern.   No significant differences but similarities in the use of logical connectors between ST3 and ST4 are found. There are also some reasons accounting for this result, firstly, there are no English classes for juniors and seniors in college in China, so students just devote a little time on English study and their English proficiency is staying stagnant. Secondly, writing strategy adopted by the students in ST3 and ST4 also accounts for the similar amount of logical connectors. Thirdly, the writing pattern mastered earlier is very popular and deeply rooted with Chinese non-English major college students. So no wonder there is no significant difference in the use of e logical connectors between CET-4 candidates and CET- 6 candidates.
  3.2 Resaech of the individual adverbials
  The top ten English logical connectors in ST2, ST3 and ST4 are shown in table 4. For the convenience of comparison, the percentage of the total number of logical connectors is given.
  As indicated in table 4, firstly, seven of the listed top ten logical connectors are identical in the three corpora, although their rank order differs a little. This means that students of the three different learning stages rely on roughly the same conjuncts. Secondly, the top ten logical connectors only account for about one-sixth, one-tenth and one-eleventh of the total number of types respectively, but they make up about two-thirds or even more than two-thirds of the total number of tokens used in each corpus. It indicates that students of the three different learning stages all rely heavily on their top ten logical connectors to achieve the realization of cohesion and coherence, so there comes the problem of monotony in the use of logical connectors by Chinese non-English majors. And as learning stages improve, the problem becomes less serious, that is probably because students have mastered more types and a larger number of logical connectors, or even more other cohesive devices.
  4. Conclusion
  Through corpus based contrastive analysis, it is found that, firstly, at different learning stages students use all kinds of logical connectors, but their occurrence frequencies are quite different. Secondly, Chinese non-English majors tend to rely heavily on a small number of logical connectors and the richness is not high. Thirdly, the distribution of different semantic categories is roughly the same in the three corpora. Thirdly, as students learn English more, the use of logical connectors presents different developmental trends or features. There is significant difference in the use of logical connectors between ST2 and ST3, but no significant difference between ST3 and ST4.
  Like all empirical studies, this study also suffered from some limitations. first, the present study is a quantitative study, qualitative analysis is not enough, and the erroneous use of logical connectors is not taken into account. Second, students in the three different learning stages are not the same, and will it influence the research results? All these issues would leave the field open to further fruitful research.
  [1]Hu Zhuanglin.(1994).Discourse Cohesion and Coherence.Shanhai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.
  [2]Quirk,R.et al.(1985).A Comprehensive Grammar of English.London:Longman.
  作者简介:蒋俊梅 (1980-),女,河南商丘人,河南师范大学外国语学院讲师,硕士,主要从事语料库语言学及应用语言学研究。
引语:武汉斗鱼NBW和合肥EHOME两支民间战队已经站在了职业赛场的门口,第三届王者荣耀全国大赛将迎来最后的战役。再过几个小时,谁能鱼跃龙门将有最终的结果。  四个月前,在武汉江汉路步行街的尽头,几百名参赛者聚在一起,以海选赛点为中心一圈圈向外排列。最外侧坐着休息的人甚至堵住了旁边武汉城市博物馆和中信银行的门口。  尽管那段时间武汉迎来了“倒春寒”般的天气,但恰逢疫情后首个樱花节,步行街上的游客还
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新学期伊始,班级每位同学都拿到一本《高职考英语词汇手册》。这本小册子基本上囊括了高中三年的所有词汇,新学期第一堂课我准备先以这本书为突破口,帮助同学们征服这本书,拿下所有单词,为明年的高职考做好词汇储备。  第一天的晚自习时间我就事先布置好了任务,要求所有同学将《词汇手册》上1~6页的单词(一共41个)利用早自习时间自己先背诵一番,要求所有同学都在9月2号第一堂课上所作好听写的准备。上课了,我直接
【摘要】众所周知英语是高中学习中比较重要的课程之一。在高考中的分值所占比例也是非常大的。如何学好高中英语,关系到学生的高考成绩的高低。不管是老师、学生还是家长都对英语的学习给予了很高的关注。本文就以高中英语4R阅读为例探讨高中英语教学的学习模式。  【关键词】高中英语 教学新模式 4R阅读  在高中阶段英语的学习是非常重要的也是很多老师非常关心的问题,如何让学生把英语学好,是评价一个教师教学能力水
在我校师生积极参与和精心准备下,我们满怀信心开展爆破英语实验课程,但是由于客观原因,实验结果并不理想,深表遗憾。下面把我们的做法和经验教训与各位同仁及爆破英语课题组的领导和老师们分享。  一、问题背景  我国目前的英语教育普遍存在用时多、效率低的问题。通常,英语教改从阅读入手,因而,集中记忆大量词汇成了教师面临的首要难题。新课标所规定的大词汇量和阅读量要求,使英语教学任务的完成面临很大困难,而“词
【摘要】众所周知,作业是检测教学目标是否达成的手段之一,也是对当日教学反馈的最直接最快捷的方式,学校的教学质量是学校生存的关键,但教学质量从何保证呢?作业质量就是其根本保证之一。作业扮演着 “多重身份”:作业既是学生反馈所学知识的“展台”,也是老师了解教情学情的“渠道”;更重要的是学生通往考试的“路径”,是教师传授考试答题方法和技巧的“武器”。现在的高中英语人教版新课标教材诞生后,英语教学又迈上了
【摘要】读写结合可以让学生有效获得习作方法,丰富学生的语言积累。在阅读中,采取仿、改等方法,让学生掌握基本的写作技巧。读写结合不仅仅要有方法的突破,还要在充分积累的基础上,体现训练的层次性。让学生在读中学写,情思飞扬。,  【关键词】语言 方法 积累  海德格尔说:“语言就是人的生命活动。”小学生学习语言,主要是通过对语言的感受和积累,而不是理性分析。这是由小学生的年龄心理特点所决定的。语文课本中
2012年河北省高考第一年使用新课标卷,英语试卷中出现了新题型——“七选五”阅读理解题,不少学生感到困难,因而失分严重。其实,只要明白了这种新题型所考查的要点,出题位置,在阅读文章时有意识地加强对文章写作思路和结构组织安排的理解,掌握英语文章常见的几种写作结构,对迅速增强此类新题型的应对能力是非常有帮助的。  该题型要求考生从整体上把握文章的逻辑结构和内容上的联系,理解句子之间、段落之间的关系,掌