组织部门开展争先创优活动,是深入贯彻落实“三个代表”重要思想,促进组织工作上水平的重要举措。在争先创优活动中,我们坚持做到三个贯穿始终: 一、把深入基层开展调查研究贯穿争先创优活动的始终搞好调查研究是做好组织工作的基本功,组织工作要争先创优,首要的是要搞好调查研究。作为组织部门,应该常调查、善调查、超前调查,准确把握基层工作的脉搏,善于发现苗头性的问题,找出带有规律
Organizing departments to pioneer and create excellent activities is an important measure for thoroughly implementing the important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ and promoting organizational work. In the course of striving for the best in excellence, we insist on doing three things throughout: First, deepen grassroots investigation and research We must do a good job in organizing and conducting investigations and studies throughout the work of striving for the best in quality and excellence. Organizing work must first strive for excellence, The first is to do a good job of research. As an organizational unit, we should conduct regular investigations, conduct good investigations, and conduct advanced investigations so as to accurately grasp the pulse of grass-roots work and be good at identifying signs of signs and finding out